Welcome to VEPOSSSS
Virtual European Physical Oceanography and Shelf Sea Seminar Series
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Speaker on Wednesday, 19 February 2025, at 15 UTC will be:
Christopher Unsworth (Bangor University, UK)
Offshore windfarms can change seabed substrates and influence ecosystems far away from the monopiles
(Chair: Markus Reinert)
The Zoom link to join the seminar will be distributed via email.
Please contact the organizers to be added to the mailing list.
The bi-weekly Virtual European Physical Oceanography and Shelf Sea Seminar Series (VEPOSSSS) started in 2020. Its initial aim was to compensate for the lack of scientific interaction during the Corona era. Since then, VEPOSSSS has developed into an established platform to connect with the community and to exchange new research on a regular basis. Join the community and be informed about upcoming talks by contacting us.
Have a look at the list of our prominent speakers and the wide range of topics in VEPOSSSS talks
during the current season as well as in previous seasons.
The seminars take place on Wednesdays, usually at 15:00 London time,
corresponding to 16:00 in Central Europe and 15 UTC (14 UTC during summer time).